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Tag: Charity

Grant Impact Stories – National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)
March 16, 2021
Total Climate Ride Grants Since 2012: $213,221 Climate Riders and Hikers Supporting a Strong Voice for America’s Parks America’s national parks are considered one of the greatest successes of our nation yet are underfunded and under extraordinary stress. While these incredible places protect and highlight our natural resources, they are also delicate ecosystems directly affected […]
Jessica Clegg Riding her First Century for Grid Alternatives
July 30, 2020
CR: What motivated you to ride a century? JC: At the beginning of the year I decided I was going to step out of my comfort zone and sign up for the North Coast Climate Ride. Riding 300 miles on my bike and fundraising thousands of dollars was completely intimidating. These goals were both out […]
There is no better time than now. Let’s rise for environmental justice.
June 29, 2020
Now more than ever is the time to take a bold path. “Environmental injustice, including the proliferation of climate change, has a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low-income communities in the United States and around the world. Race – even more than class – is the number one indicator for the placement of […]
Phoebe Moore riding to fight climate despair
September 10, 2019
Meet Phoebe Moore, the captain of Team Moms Biking Off Steam. She is a clinical psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders in children, teen, and adults. She has been deeply concerned about climate change and knows that we all need to take action. As a mom and child psychologist, she has chosen to take on […]
Catherine Bock
June 13, 2019
Climate Ride California Central Coast will be Catherine Bock’s 11th evet in 9 years. What keeps her coming back? She says that in part, it’s the inspiring people she’s met. Also, the rides prepare her to continue her climate activism, something she has been committed to She committed to preserving nature after reading Rachel Carson’s […]
Andrew Loewinger is pushing through the Delaware hills to Climate Ride Cuba!
March 13, 2019
Andrew Loewinger has three sons and is thinking of the world he wants them to live in whenever he decides to do another Climate Ride. He’s about to take on that challenge for the fifth time, on Climate Ride Cuba, because he truly believes that environmental challenges are among the greatest threats to our planet […]
Carbon Crushers are Riding for Rachel, Deb, and Climate Justice
February 14, 2019
The Carbon Crushers are back. They’re joining Climate Ride California to memorialize two friends, Rachel Davidman and Deb Hubsmith. Both were dancers and heroes of the Safe Routes to School movement. Rachel was TransForm’s Safe Routes to School Education Director and the 2013 Carbon Crushers’ Climate Ride Team Captain. Deb Hubsmith co-founded the National Safe Routes […]
Biking 4,400 Miles and $44,000 to Save Our Seas
February 8, 2019
Biking across the country is a challenge few of us will ever take on. But Tim Oey is about to do just that for the second time! Tim retired early from his work at high tech companies like Apple and Adobe to do public service work full time, often as a volunteer. If you asked […]
Beyond Fistula in Action
December 7, 2018
BEYOND FISTULA Mission Beyond Fistula is a non-profit charity that helps women and girls in Africa who have recently undergone surgical repair for fistulas. Donating to our organization helps these women get an education and training in order reintegrate into society. 2018 Climate Ride Grant: $10,205 Activities Scholarship Fund | A scholarship program that provides funds […]
Iowa woman, first female local television sports director in nation, bikes for climate change.
July 12, 2018
Heidi Soliday Benson was the first female sports director in local television in the country. She’s always been very physically active and encouraged others to take part in healthy lifestyles and active transportation, which shows in her decision to join Climate Ride Northern Michigan. Heidi has lived in Iowa her entire life and can see […]
Climate Ride California North Coast Spotlight | Dave Howes
May 4, 2018
Dave Howes is a retired firefighter who lives in Northern California, so the devastation caused by the fires in 2017 hit close to his heart. According to Scientific American, those fires burned over 170,000 acres, killed more than 20 people and destroyed thousands of buildings. In part, they were the result of the summer of 2017 […]