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Beyond Fistula in Action



Beyond Fistula is a non-profit charity that helps women and girls in Africa who have recently undergone surgical repair for fistulas. Donating to our organization helps these women get an education and training in order reintegrate into society.

2018 Climate Ride Grant: $10,205


Scholarship Fund | A scholarship program that provides funds for young fistula survivors to return to primary or secondary school. Donations help these girls and women, who were previously outcasts, get an education and reconnect with others their age. Vocational Program | Provides fistula survivors with vocational training in their choice of tailoring, hairdressing, catering, computer skills, farming, and business. These skills help them become financially stable or even financially independent in the future, hugely assisting them in reintegrating with their communities as respected and contributing citizens. Production Program | Borne out of the tailoring vocational program, the production program provides fistula survivors the opportunity to learn a new skill, gain self-confidence, and earn a fair trade income by making and selling tote bags and other handmade items in an emotionally supported environment. Each woman is paid directly for her products, supporting a fair trade practice.


  • Supporting dozens of women financially as they attended boarding school
  • Providing a fair trade market for handmade products by fistula survivors
  • Creating a permaculture farm where women can live and heal among other survivors while gaining valuable farming skills

Find them here: