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Fundraising is not only part of the challenge – it’s also a rewarding and impactful piece of getting involved with the Climate Ride cause. Challenging as it may seem, we’ve had thousands of people fundraise for Climate Ride events over the years and many have expressed that it is easier than they thought it would be.

The tried and true methods outlined below have proven to be effective. Throughout the process, remind yourself that you’re not asking for money for yourself, but for a cause and organizations that you are passionate about. Also remember that you are giving your network an opportunity to do something positive, just as you have done by committing to this event. Thank you!

Start your fundraising as soon as you register. A little self-pledge can spark momentum.

Set up and then personalize your fundraising page, which includes setting your fundraising goal. Then get the fundraising App on your phone!

Make a list of everyone you know and their email address. The longer this list is, the easier reaching your fundraising goal will be.

Now it’s time to put your fundraising page and list of prospects together to get the word out.

Once you’ve sent your initial email blast wait two weeks and then send a reminder email and a progress update.

If you’re already using social media, it’s a great place to drum up additional fundraising support.

Many Climate Riders have used their creative ingenuity to hit and exceed their fundraising goals.

Personally thank everyone who has donated. Tell them how much you appreciate their generous support.

Contact your local radio station, newspaper, or other publication to see if they’ll share a story about your efforts.

If you’ve worked through the above list and you’re still feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to your Climate Ride support staff.

The sooner you start asking, the more opportunities you will have to raise money for the Climate Ride cause. So once you’ve registered to become a fundraiser take some time right away to get organized and then start asking. Set aside 15 minutes each day to work through the steps below.

A great way to get some money in your fundraising coffers before you even do anything else is to self-pledge. It doesn’t need to be a large sum of money, but it lets your donors know upfront that you believe in what you’re doing and you put your money where your mouth is!

Make a list of everyone you know and their email address or best contact information. The longer this list is, the easier reaching your fundraising goal will be. Include people you don’t think will donate, people you do think will donate and folks you haven’t connected with for years. Not only are you giving them an opportunity to do something positive, it is a chance to reconnect with your network and spread awareness for a cause you believe in. You’ll be surprised who gives!

The list should go beyond close friends and family to include:

  • Members of clubs and organizations you belong to
  • Coworkers and bosses (both past and present)
  • Classmates from your school or university
  • Family and extended family
  • Family members of friends
  • Neighbors
  • Local businesses

If you don’t have an email address for them, you can give them a copy of the donate by mail form.

Now that you’ve developed your ask on your fundraising page and made a list of everyone you know, it’s time to put the two together and get the word out. The basic template is this:

  • Start with a personalized greeting based on the person, or group, that you are emailing.
  • Repurpose the ask you’ve already developed for your fundraising page into a cohesive email.
  • Ensure you’ve made a specific ask for a donation (i.e. “Will you support me with a donation of $50?”). The donation amount you ask for can and should change based on the person or group you are emailing.
  • Add in a link (or many!) to your fundraising page, so they know where they can go to make a donation.
  • Add photos, if you wish, to make it more engaging and fun.

We suggest you start with your closest circle first – people you know will want to support your efforts. Their donations will bring momentum to your efforts. Then, start to work through the entire list of potential donors you made.

Barebones All-Purpose Template
Subject: Help Me Protect Our Planet!
Dear XXXX,

I am reaching out to invite you to help me help our planet. Maybe that’s all you need to hear and you’re ready to donate! If so, feel free to visit my fundraising page and match my contribution of $XX here:

[insert the link to your fundraising page here]

Otherwise, please take a moment to keep reading.

Come [month], I will bike 300+ miles from [start to finish locations] as part of Climate Ride. The ride consists of 100+ cyclists pedaling in a 5-day, 300-mile ride to raise money for more than 100 fantastic organizations that are leading the nation in climate change, clean energy, active transportation, sustainability, and public health, and to raise public awareness around these issues.

In order for me to participate however, I must raise at least $3000 to support the organizations leading the way in defending our planet. Your dollars will help support the work of several innovative organizations that I have chosen to support including [insert your chosen beneficiaries here].

Would you be willing to make a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to help support these very important causes? It’s easy to do – visit my fundraising page here [insert a link to your fundraising page] where you can make a tax-deductible donation online by using the ‘Support Me’ link at the bottom of this email.

Any size donation will help get me closer to my fundraising goal! If you would like to know more, please send me an email or check out the website at

I know that, like me, you’ve struggled to find ways to leave this world better than we’ve found it. Our time together is a large part of why I’m taking on this challenge – you’ve helped me be a better part of this world. That has been a true gift. Whether you decide to donate today or not, I just want to say, sincerely, thank you for helping me to be my best self.

Thank you all so much for your support!

[Your Name]
Subject: You’ve supported me in the past – can you do it again?
A tip from the fundraiser:

I always start out with a draft that I evolve as my campaign does and pull snippets from for use on social media and other channels. As you’ll see in this one, there were a couple drafts.


You have supported my fundraising efforts in the past, so I hope you don’t mind if I appeal to your generosity one more time. To date, with the help of people like you, Climate Ride has granted millions to their beneficiaries.

In just a couple of weeks, I will embark on one through XX. These rides make a significant difference for the organizations they support and our planet. I know times are really tough for so many. Any donation amount you can spare will make a huge difference.

Thank you for considering this. I hope you and yours are staying safe, sane, and healthy during these crazy and unpredictable times.

With Gratitude,
[Your Name]
Subject: Support me and my 300-mile ride to protect the planet!
Dear XXXX,

I am very excited to be participating in Climate Ride, as part of my personal effort to confront climate change. Climate Ride is a 5-day charitable adventure, in which 100+ riders from all corners of the sustainability world come together to raise money for more than 100 fantastic organizations that are leading the nation in climate change, clean energy, active transportation, sustainability, and public health, and to raise public awareness around these issues.

I can’t ride without your assistance, however, which is the reason for this email. My goal is to raise $XXXXX to support the work of [insert your chosen beneficiaries here].

Read on to learn about the goals of this ride and why this cause is so important.

Humans + No Action = Hot Planet

The evidence out there is scary. We are literally cooking the planet. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane are well above their natural ranges. CO2 will remain the prime mover of climate change for the remainder of this century, posing serious risks that will intensify over time. These risks will disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, species, and ecosystems.

On the first Earth Day in 1970, 20 million Americans showed up, launching the environmental movement. Despite interim achievements, evidence suggests that the modern world now faces its greatest environmental threat to date: climate change. We can take action. But we must act now and we must act together.

Climate Ride has been around since 2008. Each year hundreds of cyclists and hikers raise much-needed funds which are then granted to more than 100 organizations. The event is really unique because as a participant, I get to choose where to direct my fundraising.

I am excited to take on this challenge and I hope you will support me in this endeavor. Please take a minute and visit my personal fundraising page at [insert your fundraising page url here]. Donating is easy and contributions are fully tax-deductible.

Every Dollar Counts! Thank you!

Happy revolutions,
[Your Name]
Subject: Support me in my 300-mile ride for active transportation!
Dear XXXX,

I am very excited to be participating in Climate Ride as part of my personal effort to promote walking and biking as a sustainable, healthy, and viable form of transportation. Climate Ride is a charitable adventure in which 100+ riders from all corners of the sustainability world come together to raise money for more than 100 fantastic organizations that are leading the nation in climate change, clean energy, active transportation, sustainability, and public health. My actions will raise public awareness around these issues as well.

I can’t ride without your assistance, however, which is the reason for this email. My goal is to raise $XXXXX to support the work of [insert your chosen beneficiaries here].

I ride my bike to work nearly every day, and every day and I feel that safer streets and commuting sustainably benefits my health, my community, and is much better than sitting in traffic. I believe that by raising awareness of cycling as a form of transportation that is not only sustainable and healthy, but also safe, efficient, and practical, we can both increase the number of cyclists on the road, and advocate more effectively for safer and more bike-friendly cities.

I am excited to take on this challenge and I hope you will support me in this endeavor. Please take a minute and visit my personal fundraising page at [insert your fundraising page url here]. Donating is easy and contributions are fully tax-deductible.

Every Dollar Counts! Thank you!

[Your Name]

If you’re already using social media, it’s a great place to drum up additional fundraising support and to tell folks about your passion for what you’re doing. People will love to hear about your courage and the new adventure and many will be inspired to donate. Use whichever platform you’re already set up on (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) to stay in front of your networks with your message about Climate Ride. Here are a few tips and tricks:

  • Past participants who created Facebook fundraisers linked to their fundraising pages raised 90% more on average than those who didn’t!
  • Creating a Facebook fundraiser? Make sure it is integrated with your fundraising page by following this quick guide!
  • Provide updates on your fundraising and training efforts. Did you hit a new fundraising benchmark? Tell us about it and tag the generous supporters who got you there. Did you start your training? Tell a story about the experience! Getting close to the departure date? Let us know how we can follow along during your challenge.
  • Add photos or videos so your posts are more engaging and more likely to be shown to your networks.
  • Always include a link to your fundraising page so people know where to go to make that donation.
  • Recognize and thank your donors publicly, and tag them! The more gratitude you share with your current donors, the more others will follow suit and donate as well.
  • Make a specific ask for your friends to share your post with their networks. This is a great way to get in front of people you don’t even know with your ask!
  • Add urgency by asking for help to overcome a specific fundraising benchmark “today”.
  • Talk up the beneficiaries you’ve selected. You can share what they’re working on or how they’re impacting the world, then ask for contributions in support of those efforts. Be sure to tag the organization!
  • Start a conversation by asking for recommendations on gear you may need to acquire, or training and travel tips. People love to share their knowledge!
  • Use #climateride and tag Climate Ride to help us build the buzz online.

Facebook offers a way to set up a fundraiser for Climate Ride right on its platform. You are welcome to set this up for yourself as a tool to help reach your fundraising goals, but there are a few considerations:

  • You cannot count on the Facebook donations to hit your official Climate Ride fundraising account for about 1-2 months, which could be tricky if you are trying to make one of our fundraising deadlines using these funds. We are unable to account for funds which have not physically reached our office.
  • Climate Ride will not be able to issue your donors a receipt, though they should receive a receipt for tax purposes from Facebook.
  • For the most part, donations that are acquired on Facebook are sent to Climate Ride with a report on the donor’s name and the ‘fundraiser’ (your name). This makes it easy to attribute the funds directly to your fundraising efforts. To be sure, when you fundraise with Facebook just send over a list of your donors’ names when the campaign is complete so we can ensure the donations all reach your fundraising page, as we do occasionally receive a donation with no ‘fundraiser’ specified.

Many Climate Riders have used their creative ingenuity to hit and exceed their fundraising goals. Once you’ve tried the standards of emails and social media, here are a few ideas to take you the rest of the way:

  • Past participants who used donor incentives raised over $800 more on average than those who didn’t! So create some donor incentives and milestones on your fundraising page. For example, maybe when you hit the half way mark, you can go clean up trash at nearby body of water. Or send your donors a postcard from your event if they donate $50! Milestones make great topics for updates, and when you hit them, be sure to email everyone to celebrate!
  • Wear some Climate Ride gear, like a hat or t-shirt, anytime you train or go somewhere around new people. Maria Ristow, a top fundraiser in 2018, gave us this tip: “For the past couple of months, I have cycled almost exclusively in [Climate Ride] gear. Then I talk to everyone I run into in the grocery store, down the street, and at social events about my upcoming ride and the beneficiaries. I later send them a personal email or handwritten letter asking for support.”
  • Visit a local bike shop or business you frequent and see if they’ll sponsor you in exchange for you wearing a shirt with their logo while you train and on the event.
    • Call on your unique skills to bring you over the next hurdle. Can you offer lessons in exchange for contributions? Would you be willing to bake up a storm for a bake sale? Could you hole up in your gym lobby and bike for a few hours on a stationary bike with a basket and a sign about why you’re riding? The gym will like the publicity and you’ll be surprised how many of your fellow gym-goers drop money in your basket. Maybe you can host a pancake breakfast where people put cash donations in a fishbowl to help nudge you toward this next goal. You have many talents, use one to get some donations and you’ll be wowed by the response!
    • Add the link to your fundraising page to your email signature so everyone you email with will see.
    • Give out “piggy banks” and ask people to collect their change for a month.
    • Create business cards or handbills to give out during face-to-face interactions. Even better, raise your goal to $10k and we’ll send you personalized business cards for free! Just fill out this form.
    • Hold an event with a raffle or auction. If you let us know a few weeks ahead of time, we will send you some Climate Ride merch to raffle off!
    • Take a look at the calendar and note any special days coming up. Plan a group ride for Earth Day, or ask for donations in lieu of birthday presents.

Personally thank everyone who has donated. Tell them how much you appreciate their generous support. Then ask if their company has a matching gift program, as this is an easy way to double the amount of the donation.

Thank anyone who has donated publicly as well! You can do this in your progress update emails or on social media. By thanking donors publicly, your friends may experience positive peer pressure to get involved.

If you’ve worked through the above list and you’re still feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to your Climate Ride support staff. We are honored to be able to work helping people help the planet. We want you to succeed and we’ll do what we can to help. We have many more tips than we can fit into this list, so one of them is bound to help you raise money for the Climate Ride cause. Reach out so we can:

    • Help you make an individualized plan for fundraising with specific goals and timelines.
    • Help you develop your ask and/or give feedback on what you’ve created.
    • Help you come up with ideas on how to widen your network of donors.
    • Help you brainstorm FUNdraising events.
    • And so much more!
I’m nervous about fundraising. Can I do it?

YES! This is one of our participants’ biggest concerns before they sign up. We want you to know that it’s easier than you think, and we’re here to help you! We provide tools and individualized support to make sure your fundraising is successful. You’re here because you care about the cause and want to do something huge to support the organizations that are important to you. Your friends, colleagues, family, and community will want to support you! Please reach out to us if you want to chat about an individualized strategy. We also have fundraising tips on our website to get you started!

What happens if I don’t raise the required fundraising minimum by the deadline?

As a participant, it’s mandatory to reach the fundraising minimum in order to join the event. We’re here to support you in any way we can. If you’re worried about meeting the fundraising minimum, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you with fundraising strategies that have been successful for past participants.

Climate Ride events are not just opportunities for participants to enjoy a unique and fulfilling experience, but also crucial fundraisers for underfunded organizations that are working towards preserving our planet. It’s important to remember that the fundraising aspect of the event is just as important as the event itself. Climate Ride sets fundraising and transfer deadlines to help us plan our logistics, to cover expenses incurred in anticipation of your participation in the event, and to ensure every participant is committed to reaching their goals.

If you haven’t met the minimum required by a specific deadline, we will:

  • Notify you: You’ll receive an email alerting you that you’re short on fundraising.
  • Offer you an extension: We can give you one additional week to reach the minimum. You may use pending donations, matching gifts, or a self-pledge to meet your goal.
  • Switch your participant status: If you’re still short after one week, you’ll be moved to Virtual Participant status. This means you can continue fundraising, but your spot on the in-person event isn’t guaranteed. If you’re not able to bring your fundraising up to meet the subsequent deadlines, we may offer your spot to someone else.
  • Registration transfer: If at any point you decide to officially cancel your participation in the event, you should notify your participant manager right away. If you cancel before the transfer deadline, you will be given the option to transfer your already-raised funds to another Climate Ride event in the same or following calendar year. If you cancel after the transfer deadline, you will not be able to transfer your funds to another event, as Climate Ride will have already incurred costs for your participation by that point.

Additionally, we want to remind you that you always have the option to self-pledge. Self-pledging allows you to contribute your own funds towards your fundraising minimum, especially if you’re nearing the final fundraising deadline. This gives you the flexibility and assurance that you’ll be able to participate in the event, even if you haven’t been able to reach the fundraising minimum through other means. If you self pledge, you can continue fundraise until November 1st of the year of the event and receive a refund for self-pledged funds in the amount that you raised above the minimum.

We believe that with our support, you’ll be able to successfully meet the fundraising minimum and be a part of our meaningful events. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns — we’re here to help!

Are donations to Climate Ride tax-deductible?

Yes. Climate Ride events are produced by Climate Ride (Tax ID # 27-1777457), a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax-exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to Climate Ride are deductible for income tax purposes to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Please consult a tax professional with any questions regarding your unique situation.

How does the online fundraising software work?

When you sign up, you’ll receive access to our top-of-the-line fundraising software, DonorDrive. You’ll be given a personal fundraising page, which you can customize and then share with your friends and family. This is where they can make an online donation. When you log into the fundraising dashboard (through our website – click ‘Login’ at the top!), you will have options to send out emails, post to social media, and you can even track and thank your donors. If you are having trouble with the fundraising software, please email your participant manager.

Can I make a donation by cash or check? What about donor-advised funds?

Yes, yes, and yes! To donate through any of these means, please download the Donation by Mail form here and send it in with your check, payable to “Climate Ride.” You can find more info about donating through your DAFs here.

If I cancel my registration, will my funds be disbursed to my Beneficiaries?

Please review our Cancellation and Transfer Policies. Participants must reach the event’s fundraising minimum in order for their fundraising to be disbursed to their Beneficiaries through the Climate Ride Grants Program.

Are matching gifts from my donors’ company credited to my fundraising page?

Yes! Matching donations are often processed quarterly — and sometimes annually — by companies, so it may take some time before you see the match on your fundraising page. If you’re hoping to take advantage of your company’s matching program, be sure to get on it ASAP so you can get those funds before the fundraising deadline. Please let us know if you are expecting a match so we can keep an eye out for it.

What happens if matching funds come in after fundraising has closed for my event?

We will attempt to reach you via email for any matching donations that come in after the fundraising for your event has closed. You’ll have three options:

  1. Use those funds for your own participation on an upcoming event;
  2. Designate those funds to a participant on an existing event;
  3. Donate those funds to our Annual Fund to support our Community Leader Scholarship spots, grant acceleration, and other programs.

If we do not hear back from you before December 1st of the year we reach out, these funds will go into our Annual Fund to support our Community Leader Award Program and Environmental Justice Action Grants.

The organization I want to raise money for is not listed as a Beneficiary. Can I still fundraise for them?

A Beneficiary must be approved by Climate Ride before you can fundraise for them. If you are interested in fundraising for an organization that is not currently a Climate Ride Beneficiary, but meets our Beneficiary criteria, please have them contact us and we can help them through the online application process. In order to keep our list of organizations relevant and manageable, we can only add one Beneficiary per participant per year.

Can I fundraise for any Climate Ride Beneficiary on any event?

Most Climate Ride events support our full collection of Beneficiaries, however, there are a few that support a single Beneficiary. The Glacier Ride is a singe-Beneficiary fundraising event for Glacier National Park Conservancy. Also, our international events are special Climate Ride Funders Trips. Proceeds from these events directly support Climate Ride’s Community Leader Award scholarships and our programs focused on education, building community, connecting generations, and funding sustainability work.