The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach.
2018 Climate Ride Grant: $88,984
Operation Firefly | Operation Firefly (Operacíon Luciérnaga) is an education and bike light distribution program of LACBC intended to make sure people riding bikes in LA County are riding safely at night. Active Streets LA | ASLA co-powers communities through participatory planning to create safe walking and bicycling routes to parks, schools, and local businesses along their neighborhood streets. Bike + Ped Count | The LA City Bike+Ped Count is the largest source of data on the numbers of people that walk and bike on Los Angeles streets. The data collected demonstrates year-over-year increases in the numbers of people biking and walking, particularly where the city has installed new and improved infrastructure. Blue Line First/Last Mile | This pilot project aims to improve safety and access to each Blue Line station by engaging community members early in the planning process. Bicycle Friendly Businesses | Bikes mean business! LACBC has teamed up with Business Partners to support businesses that support bicycling. Current LACBC members can show their membership card and save at business partners!Successes
- 12,000 bike lights distributed
- L.A. streets are growing safer
- Reporting on biker and pedestrians in order to push the government into planning safer routes
Find them here: la-bike.org.