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Last Updated: 1/6/2021 at 1:00 PM  MT

Please view our detailed Covid-19 Policies and Event Procedures here.

Since our founding in 2008, Climate Ride has been committed to uniting people through adventure and advocacy. We are so grateful to our loyal community of intrepid and dedicated riders, hikers, and runners who love to discover our beautiful planet while making a difference and supporting our beneficiary network. 

Our top priority at Climate Ride has always been the safety of our participants, staff, volunteers, and vendors. Since the coronavirus crisis began, we have canceled two Climate Ride events and we have also rescheduled events to the Fall to ensure everyone who wants to get outside can. During this unprecedented time of crisis, we continue to monitor trusted sources (WHO, CDC, NIH, the US State Department, and local governments) for safety and travel updates when making decisions about our upcoming events. Climate Ride is financially prepared and we will get through this. 

Despite the clear skies, the climate crisis continues to worsen, and that’s why we are all hard at work from our home offices and staying in close contact with our alumni, outfitters, local governments, and partners in the US and abroad. When the time is right, based on local, state, and national restrictions, we are prepared to run events possibly this summer and later this year. We’re also putting the finishing touches on our 2021 schedule of rides, hikes, and runs to stay inspired and keep our promise of continuing to raise critical funds for our beneficiaries. 

We are working on new safety protocols for the events we produce ourselves and also on events when we work with local outfitters. Our goal is to keep everyone safe by introducing contact-less registration, maintaining social distancing, increasing cleaning and sanitation, and other measures. We want to make sure everyone remains safe so our participants can enjoy worry-free experiences in beautiful open spaces in the natural environment. 

To ensure an effective and timely response to any new developments, we’ve updated a few key policies. We will update this page as we continue to adapt to this changing situation.

Trips After February 1, 2021

At this time, all trips after this date are on track and will be running as allowed. This is a fast-moving situation and we will be updating this information as things change. Our plan is to cancel trips 45 days prior to departure if our trusted sources advise against travel to the region, or if government restrictions or other conditions make travel difficult or impossible. In that event, participants will be allowed to move their fundraising and registration fee to a future event in 2021 or 2022. 

Currently, the U.S. government is advising against all international travel. If this changes, we will move forward with international trips in the future.

Of course, all participants must make their own evaluations about what feels safe to them. We respect and value that, so we’ve updated this cancellation/transfer policy to give our riders, hikers, and runners more options. Participants can currently register for future Climate Ride events and begin raising funds, secure in the knowledge that if their trip cancels, they can move these funds to a future event. 

Ultimately, each participant’s decision on whether to travel is their own. While we are happy to share information from health authorities and clarify our policies, no one knows better than you what your personal priorities, health needs, and feelings about risk might be.

If you have further questions, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to get back to you promptly. Stay strong Climate Ride community! We love you. 

With gratitude,

The Team at Climate Ride