Climate Ride’s network of 100+ beneficiaries and their work are proof that we are making progress in the sustainability movement. We asked, a Climate Ride beneficiary, for un update on their progress and their use of Climate Ride grants. This is what they had to say:
“The general support we received from Climate Ride helps us stay nimble so we can respond quickly to any threats and opportunities. For example while we continued our campaign against the Keystone XL pipeline throughout the year, this spring we worked with many allies to hold a demonstration in Washington, DC called Reject & Protect to bring thousands to DC for an encampment from April 22-27 with a big march on the 27th. During planning, we realized we wanted to bring many more people to DC who could not otherwise afford the travel costs. Having funds on hand from Climate Ride helped make this happen.
The fossil fuel divestment campaign is now on nearly 400 campuses in the US. Twelve campuses have already committed to divestment, and there have been many more commitments within cities, churches and other institutions. We also brought the divestment campaign to Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.
Last summer we held a major gathering of international youth leaders called Global Power Shift where we trained 500 young activists from more than 50 countries in a week-long training that prepared them to convene large national summits back home. Youth activists are now planning their national Power Shift summits and recruiting the top youth climate activists from across their country to attend, with the goal of developing the type of political transformation that’s required for real climate progress at the international climate talks in 2015. Again, having funds from Climate Ride on hand helps us to do more trainings and help more people participate. We greatly appreciate the partnership and support!”
You can still register to support on Climate Ride Midwest, Climate Ride NYC-DC or your own Independent Challenge!
At Climate Ride, we are currently in the middle of our Annual Fund and Bike Giveaway Campaign. By donating to Climate Ride’s Annual fund, you are supporting the programs of Climate Ride and allowing us to continue to increase our support of our beneficiaries like To donate and see the bike you could win click here!