Providing for Yosemite’s future is our passion. We inspire people to support projects and programs that preserve and protect Yosemite National Park’s resources and enrich the visitor experience. In 2016, Yosemite Conservancy will provide $15 million in total support, including funding for 34 new grants. Work funded by Conservancy donors is visible throughout the park—from restoring the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias to protecting songbirds and removing invasive plant species. We also provide enriching in-park experiences, such as outdoor programs and wilderness services that help people deepen their connections to Yosemite. Our Youth in Yosemite Programs span the entire range of youth development, from children earning their Junior Ranger badges to young adults restoring backcountry trails and receiving on-the-job training for future careers. With support from our donors, we fund grants that ensure Yosemite will remain an irreplaceable resource for future generations.