Napa Climate NOW! is a grassroots, non-partisan group of concerned residents who are working to move the needle toward climate stabilization through smart climate action based on the latest peer-reviewed climate science. We are a 350 Bay Area group. The core problem we face is that the Earth is experiencing a heat imbalance, which is disrupting the climate system and causing temperatures to rise. We need to substantially reduce this heat imbalance within the next decade in order to: 1) prevent global mean temperature from reaching 1.5-degrees Celsius; 2) stabilize climate; and 3) create the conditions for restoring the climate system back to normal over the longer-term. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, we need to evaluate the heat-reducing capability of each climate strategy, as well as its adverse environmental and human health trade-offs, co-benefits, scalability, technological feasibility, and costs. Such an evaluation will require the rapid adoption of updated climate accounting protocols that accurately account for all current and accumulated climate pollutants and their near-term heat-producing effects, as well as other contributing factors (like deforestation, changing air and ocean circulation patterns, etc.). There is still time to act effectively, but that window is rapidly closing. Please contact us for more information.