Jennifer Green staffs Burlington’s Sustainability Program, including work on the Legacy Action Plan, the Climate Action Plan, and other related initiatives. Jennifer has over 30 years of community development experience, including work on gender equity, national planning, and environmental management with the Peace Corps, CARE International, Chemonics, and the World Resources Institute. Shortly after moving to Burlington in 1999, she consulted with the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation and later Efficiency Vermont. In addition to working for the City, Jennifer teaches sustainable development courses at the University of Vermont. She has a master’s in public administration from Columbia University and earned her Ph.D. in sociology from American University in 2005.
Jennifer’s work involves transitioning Burlington, VT to net zero energy (NZE) in the thermal and transportation sectors and in this capacity, supports, designs, and implements projects to move the City off of fossil fuels. Questions? Jennifer can be reached at [email protected].