Since 2008, David Lamfrom has worked in National Parks Conservation Association’s California desert program holding the jobs of field representative, program manager, and currently director of California Desert and Wildlife Programs. In this role, David works on policy, legislation, media, building community, and connecting desert voices to the administration and Congress. David has worked to protect tens of thousands of important acres adjacent to California desert parks from inappropriate development. He also worked over nearly a decade to designate 3 new national monuments, including the creation of a new national park service unit. David is a published author and photographer who worked to develop the Tortoises Through the Lens program to teach diverse desert youth about the desert through photography. The result of that program was a published book of the student’s work telling the conservation story of the desert tortoise. That book was recently printed in the Spanish language. David formerly worked in the fields of wildlife biology and environmental science. He sits on the boards of several desert based organizations and knows the California desert is the most beautiful and important place on Earth.