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Tag: Environmental Justice Action Grants

November 22, 2024
Mission: Spokeland’s mission is to build knowledge, empowerment and self-reliance for members of the community and provide a safe and fun workspace for people of all ages, ethnicities and cultures, genders, sexual orientations and skill levels. “We are deeply grateful to Climate Ride for your ongoing support. You have enabled us to serve low-income communities […]
Native Seeds SEARCH
November 22, 2023
MISSION: Native Seeds/SEARCH seeks to find, protect and preserve the seeds of the people of the Greater Southwest so that these arid adapted crops may benefit all peoples and nourish a changing world. “The grant from Climate Ride will help conserve heirloom seeds of the Southwest and ensure they are grown and shared with farmers […]
Ride for Racial Justice
November 22, 2023
MISSION: Ride for Racial Justice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and exists to ensure access to resources, education, and community for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) cyclists and to dismantle systemic racism so that EVERYONE can feel safe, free, and empowered to ride a bicycle. Learn more > Connect and get involved […]
Streets for All
November 22, 2023
MISSION: We believe: Everyone has the right to use our streets and public spaces safely, comfortably, and efficiently regardless of their age, income, race, gender, geography, or abilities. Now is the time for bold action. Small, incremental steps will not suffice when thousands of lives are cut short by traffic violence each year and climate […]
Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania
November 22, 2023
MISSION: We have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to increasing awareness of Lenape history and culture. Created to join together the members of the Lenape Nation and anyone else interested in continuing the development of the language and culture of the Lenape people, the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is active in the revival of tradition […]
Intersectional Environmentalist
November 21, 2023
MISSION: As a new 501c3, IE is committed to developing and improving transparency and reciprocity with our community and partners in an effort to co-create meaningful impact for people + planet. Our commitment to shifting the narrative of environmental storytelling to center diversity and joy will continue to be rooted in the values of the […]
People for Mobility Justice
November 21, 2023
MISSION: As a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) collective, we seed critical consciousness about mobility justice across all communities. Our Vision is for people to have the freedom and resources to move in public spaces with love and dignity. People for Mobility Justice is honored to receive the Climate Ride Environmental Justice Action Grant. […]
Native Sun Community Power Development
December 14, 2022
MISSION: To help Native nations use renewable energy systems, train a Native renewable energy workforce, educate young people about climate change and the environment, and develop civic skills and capacity among Native people to provide leadership for a just transition and the pathway to energy sovereignty. Native Sun is a Native-led Nonprofit organization that promotes […]
Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program
November 23, 2022
MISSION: The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP) is a nonprofit organization that provides career support to formerly incarcerated firefighters and those currently incarcerated in California’s Conservation Camps; who are interested in careers in the Wildland and Forestry sector. FFRP was developed in direct response to the growing need for wildfire-related personnel. Their mission is […]
Black Girls Do Bike NYC
November 22, 2022
MISSION: Our interest is in introducing the joy of cycling to urban women and girls of color who often do not have access to green spaces. Our aim is to make women feel comfortable riding in New York City, so that they can decrease their reliance on cars, ride-shares, and mass transit by using bikes […]
Farming Hope
November 22, 2022
MISSION: Farming Hope is a garden-to-table job training nonprofit. They offer paid, empowering transitional employment in their garden and kitchen with formerly incarcerated or unhoused neighbors. They just secured a new long term lease with more than double the kitchen space which will help to recover more food and feed more folks in need. They also recently […]
November 22, 2022
MISSION: PODER’s mission is to organize with Latino immigrant families and youth to put into practice people-powered solutions that are locally based, community led and environmentally just. We nurture everyday people’s leadership, regenerate culture, and build community power. We organize in San Francisco’s Mission, Excelsior and other southeast neighborhoods, & forge alliances to achieve transformational […]