Tag: Charity Ride
Sara Tolchin is riding 300 miles in 4 days on Highway 1!
July 3, 2019
Sara Tolchin is taking on the challenge of riding 304 miles in just four days! She’s heading out her front door on July 4th, 2019 to raise money for the Climate Ride cause and her beneficiary choices and Climate One in her fight to help our planet. We took the chance to pick her […]
Catherine Bock
June 13, 2019
Climate Ride California Central Coast will be Catherine Bock’s 11th evet in 9 years. What keeps her coming back? She says that in part, it’s the inspiring people she’s met. Also, the rides prepare her to continue her climate activism, something she has been committed to She committed to preserving nature after reading Rachel Carson’s […]
Friends of Acadia
May 14, 2019
Courtesy of Friends of Acadia. Take a few minutes to talk to Stephanie Clement and her love for Acadia shines out at you. She feels “lucky to be a part of such a group who all give back with financial resources or volunteering to a park they love. It makes for a unique experience.” That’s […]
Meet Quintin Mecke on Climate Ride Bears Ears
May 2, 2019
We caught up with Quintin Mecke, who is embarking on his second Climate Ride mountain biking tour this year! Hey Q, why did you sign up? “How could I not participate? 🙂 I love cycling, I love people, I love the planet and I am a firm believer that actions (especially when on two wheels!) […]
Bears Ears and the Importance of Purpose
May 2, 2019
For Molly Bosted, the memory of her son Nelson inspired her to participate in Climate Ride Bear Ears. When he passed away in November of 2017, she made a silent pledge to live a meaningful life in his name. A few years before, he had taken a road trip through Moab and visited Arches National […]
Robert Vogel is riding for his life
April 10, 2019
Robert Vogel’s story is about riding for health – both his own personal health and the health of the planet. Personally, Robert finds that cycling seems to be helping him beat cancer – he’s now surpassed the mortality statistics for more than 15 months. For the planet, he likes to believe that the way we tend […]
Meet Suzanne Baxter, the artist behind our 2019 Climate Ride jersey
March 14, 2019
For our 2019 Climate Ride jersey, we decided to try something new for Climate Ride and go with an original design by artist Suzanne Baxter. Baxter is a lifelong artist who has also worked in advertising. Her geometric shapes felt like a natural fit to us, and when we added them to a jersey, we […]
Andrew Loewinger is pushing through the Delaware hills to Climate Ride Cuba!
March 13, 2019
Andrew Loewinger has three sons and is thinking of the world he wants them to live in whenever he decides to do another Climate Ride. He’s about to take on that challenge for the fifth time, on Climate Ride Cuba, because he truly believes that environmental challenges are among the greatest threats to our planet […]
Carbon Crushers are Riding for Rachel, Deb, and Climate Justice
February 14, 2019
The Carbon Crushers are back. They’re joining Climate Ride California to memorialize two friends, Rachel Davidman and Deb Hubsmith. Both were dancers and heroes of the Safe Routes to School movement. Rachel was TransForm’s Safe Routes to School Education Director and the 2013 Carbon Crushers’ Climate Ride Team Captain. Deb Hubsmith co-founded the National Safe Routes […]
Biking 4,400 Miles and $44,000 to Save Our Seas
February 8, 2019
Biking across the country is a challenge few of us will ever take on. But Tim Oey is about to do just that for the second time! Tim retired early from his work at high tech companies like Apple and Adobe to do public service work full time, often as a volunteer. If you asked […]
Celebrating Education, Survival, and the Planet on Climate Hike Glacier
February 6, 2019
It’s time to celebrate! Teresa Raef will be cancer free for five years come May and in April she will graduate with her master’s degree in Applied School Leadership. As a reward, and a celebration, she has decided to take on a new challenge. A challenge that will make herself, and most importantly, this planet, […]
Hiking for Glacier and the Planet
February 1, 2019
“I am sure that I will remember my Climate Hike experience for the rest of my life, and share it with anyone who is willing to listen. Glacier is magical and you should see it!” -Erin Mezger Erin Mezgar is an environmental conservationist who decided to do more for the planet in 2018 by taking […]