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Rider Profile: Deb Janes

For Deb Janes, rider #320, Climate Ride California 2010 was a life-changing experience that brought her back for more on the 2011 California ride.
Deb in Scotia
A professional fundraiser and professional vegetarian chef, Deb found that Climate Ride was just what she needed to make a lot of changes in her life: “The Climate Ride changed my life last year,” she says. “I lost thirty pounds, renewed a love of cycling, got inspired by other riders’ activism, and gained new friends.”

Deb says she’s riding for three reasons:

  1. The number one reason is selfish and for pure joy: I love to ride my bike, particularly with a bunch of other like-minded people.
  2. The second is for political activism: my fundraising for and riding in the Climate Ride has been an impetus to talk with friends, family and colleagues about the climate crisis. The more we talk about it, the more people hopefully will be galvanized to call for the drastic changes on the political and corporate fronts that are necessary.
  3. The third is appreciation: I passionately appreciate the work of beneficiary nonprofits that tirelessly promote bicycle advocacy and solutions to the climate crisis.

Deb has felt strongly about protecting forests since she was a kid but realizes that the climate crisis is the overarching environmental issue that trumps all others because of its scope and potential for calamity. “I am disheartened by climate discussions,” she says. “From experts like Bill McKibben to popular media, there is little or nothing said about the contribution that meat production and consumption play in the climate crisis. They actually generate more greenhouse gasses than all the world’s vehicles.”

You can’t miss Deb’s presence on a ride and if by day two you haven’t yet met her it is only a matter of time…and you will be all the richer for it.