Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get. The extreme weather events across the U.S. have not been what we expect lately.
The Midwestern polar vortex, the California drought, record snowfall in Montana and 400 ppm carbon dioxide are all reasons to get off the couch and join Climate Ride in their efforts to work towards a stable climate and a healthier, more sustainable future. These climatic variations, however, can make it hard to get off the couch and ride. Here in Missoula, MT I haven’t ridden a bike in an unprecedented 2 weeks! I feel comfortable using the recent sub zero temperatures, blizzards, and avalanches in my backyard as an excuse for being off the bike, but these are no excuses to stop training.
Former Climate Rider and Adventure Cycling Association’s Digtal Media Coordinator, Alison Riley shows us how to train even in the worst conditions.
Training for Climate Ride on Skis from Patrick Colleran on Vimeo.
Don’t let the changes in weather, or climate for that matter, get in the way of your training. Adding other forms of exercise can add variety to your training so get creative and have fun!
Patrick Colleran is Climate Ride’s Logistics and Rider Coordinator. In addition to Climate Ride, he is currently and perpetually training for his next big bike tour, mountain bike season, a double century and his local cyclocross series.