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Climate Ride California 2016 – Environmental Charity Ride Photo Recap

Wow! This group of 105 people raised more than $400,000 to support the Climate Ride cause. They trained, raised awareness, and pedaled farther than they ever expected. Proceeds from all Climate Ride events will be distributed through the Climate Ride grants program at the end of the year to our beneficiaries doing vital work to fight pollution, to push for solutions to climate change, to promote safe and equitable active transportation in our cities and towns, and to preserve and protect our wildlands for generations to come. They helped build a mobile community of people focused on positive action to support sustainability. 

Let’s cheer these heroes who pedaled 320 miles along California’s rugged North Coast. We’ve put together some rider photos from Instagram. See their journey in photos below.

Riders approached the Golden Gate Bridge at the end of the 350-mile ride.

Day 1 – Riding the Avenue of the Giants in the Redwood Empire

Day 1 – Quiet roads in Humboldt County

Day 1 – Team San Francisco Bicycle Coalition wears their team jerseys

Day 1 – Avenue of the Giants 

Day 1 – Our lunch stop in the redwoods (art by the Climate Ride lunch crew!)

Day 2 – First view of the Pacific Ocean after climbing Leggett Hill

Day 2 – Riding along the Pacific Coast on the way to Fort Bragg

Day 2 – Crossing the bike/ped trestle bridge into Fort Bragg

Day 2 – Team Awesome, Climate Ride Staff Andrew and Blake


One of the best aspects of the ride – Making new friends in camp. Barbara and Mercedes.

Day 3 – At mile 95 of the 100 mile day into the Russian River Valley


Day 3 – Celebrating the 100 mile ‘Century’ day! 

Day 5 – Heading up for a climb!

Day 5 – Nearly 80 riders opted for the optional ride up to the East Peak of Mt. Tam (2,500 ft!) and then broke out into a dance party

Day 5 – Riding down Mt. Tam with San Francisco shrouded in fog

Day 5 – Team Wolfpack reunites

Day 5 – Almost to San Francisco

Day 5 – Getting ready to cross the bridge!

Day 5 – Cruising to the ride end!

Day 5 – Friends, family, and supporters cheered on the riders when they arrived at Crissy Field

Day 5 – We did it!

For more rider photos, check out @climateride on Instagram or search #climateride.