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Grants in Action

Our community fuels the environmental movement with new voices and an active citizenry willing to walk the walk and bike the bike.

With every event or independent challenge, we help turn your human-powered miles into tangible action, amping up our grantmaking game to over a million dollars granted each year. Since we kicked off in 2008, together, we’ve funneled critical funds to causes that bolster the future of our planet.

Climate Ride grants have resulted in direct support to help fight legal battles for public lands and clean air. We’ve amplified diverse voices in sustainable transportation and provided funds for organizations building safer options for bicyclists and walkers. Our grants have led to renewable energy projects in national parks, relieving pollution in critically impacted ecosystems.

Through this collective effort, Climate Ride has awarded grants to nearly 350 agents of change working in everything from climate action to conservation to pollution affecting public health. Below, we’re spotlighting some of our Climate Ride grants in action that are shaking things up. Get ready to be inspired.

The Climate Center


Since 2001, The Climate Center has been a leader in making climate solutions a reality in California at speed and scale. They are a think-tank, do-tank working to turn bold ideas into action for a climate-safe future.

Total Climate Ride Grant: $431,134


Phasing Out Fossil Fuels | The Climate Center is creating a California free from the toxic impacts of fossil fuels. One where Californians power their homes and cars with clean energy, live in walkable communities and have access to clean public transport and bike-friendly streets.

Clean Energy | Advocating for California to invest in clean, distributed, resilient energy systems. By building distributed energy and storage, California can meet its energy needs with clean and reliable sources while creating hundreds of thousands of family-sustaining jobs.

Natural Carbon Sequestration | Supporting practices that draw down past climate pollution from the atmosphere through proper soil and vegetation management. This can happen on both our natural lands (forests, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, riverbeds, coastal areas, parks, and more), as well as our working lands (farms, ranches, and more). Projects that naturally sequester carbon include applying compost to soils, planting cover crops, planned grazing, urban greening, riverbed restoration, reforestation, and wetland preservation, among others.


  • Ensuring most new electric vehicles sold in California have bidirectional charging by 2030 (SB 233, Skinner). These “batteries on wheels” can keep the lights on in our homes, help avoid blackouts, and make our electricity system more resilient, reliable, safe, and affordable.
  • Establishing a bolder GHG emissions reduction goal for 2030 as the worsening climate crisis requires and that is more in line with other large economies such as the EU and the UK.
  • Convening partner organizations to guide the establishment of ambitious goals for natural carbon sequestration per the law California passed last year.
  • Developing a Fossil Fuel Managed Decline Roadmap for California to rapidly transition to a clean energy economy.

Find them here:

Action for the Climate Emergency


Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE) has a mission to educate, inspire and support young people to lead the fight for their future. They ensure young people have everything they need to understand the science and advocate for solutions to the climate emergency.

Total Climate Ride Grant: $84,928

From ACE

“ACE is immensely grateful for the partnership of Climate Ride. Beyond contributing to our work to address the climate crisis, the Climate Ride team has played an instrumental role in connecting ACE to other leaders in the space, strengthening and supporting collaboration in the environmental movement. We are thrilled to partner with Climate Ride in the fight for our future!”

Ash Lauth, National Director of Campaigns


Climate Advocacy | ACE advocates for a world beyond fossil fuels—a world in which our leaders tell the truth, acknowledge the climate emergency and act at an emergency-level speed to stop it.

Action Team Network | While elected leaders bury their heads in the sand, ACE is organizing, building power, and demanding solutions that meet the scale of the problem. ACE Action Teams across the U.S. work together to create a powerful force to demand that our leaders act on the climate emergency right now.

Education and Storytelling | Young people have the right to know about the climate emergency and the opportunity to take action to stop it. Our award-winning collection of digital media, Our Climate Our Future, educates young people about the climate emergency and activates them into action.


  • Our Climate Our Future, a digital media collection that increases youth knowledge, shifts attitudes and catalyze intent to take action.
  • Running several campaigns to rally youth to take local and national action including: calling on local governments to declare a climate emergency, petitioning JP Morgan Chase to stop funding fossil fuels, stopping the Willow Project, and more.
  • Registered more that 100,000 new youth voters across the US, with special emphasis in key electoral states.

Find them here: 

Glacier National Park Conservancy


The Glacier National Park Conservancy assures the Glacier National Park experience by providing support for preservation, education, and research through philanthropy and outreach.

Total Climate Ride Grant: $817,730


“Our partnership with Climate Ride has literally transformed Glacier National Park.  In just the past couple of years, the contributions from Climate Riders funded the conversion of the Apgar Visitor Center to sustainable solar power, and fully funded the expansion of spring shuttle services to improve biker access to the iconic Going to the Sun Road.  It’s truly incredible to see the combined power people brought together for passion and purpose.” -Doug Mitchell, Executive Director


Preservation | The Conservancy funds projects and programs that preserve Glacier’s heritage for future generations.

Education | The Conservancy funds education initiatives to engage current and future park stewards of all ages.

Research | The Conservancy supports world-class research and science exploring the park’s wildlife and alpine landscapes.


  • Making the Apgar Visitor Center net zero by installing solar panels
  • Running a Spring Hiker-Biker Shuttle on the west side of the Going-to-the-Sun road to reduce congestion from cars
  • Surveying wildlife populations in the park such as lynx, golden eagles, and the reintroduction of bison to the park

Find them here:

Bike LA


Bike LA (formerly The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition) is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach.

Total Climate Ride Grant: $437,834


Operation Firefly | Operation Firefly (Operacíon Luciérnaga) is an education and bike light distribution program of LACBC intended to make sure people riding bikes in LA County are riding safely at night.

Active Streets LA | ASLA co-powers communities through participatory planning to create safe walking and bicycling routes to parks, schools, and local businesses along their neighborhood streets.

Bike + Ped Count | The LA City Bike+Ped Count is the largest source of data on the numbers of people that walk and bike on Los Angeles streets. The data collected demonstrates year-over-year increases in the numbers of people biking and walking, particularly where the city has installed new and improved infrastructure.

Blue Line First/Last Mile | This pilot project aims to improve safety and access to each Blue Line station by engaging community members early in the planning process.

Bicycle Friendly Businesses | Bikes mean business! LACBC has teamed up with Business Partners to support businesses that support bicycling. Current LACBC members can show their membership card and save at business partners!


  • 12,000 bike lights distributed
  • L.A. streets are growing safer
  • Reporting on biker and pedestrians in order to push the government into planning safer routes

Find them here:

Citizens Climate Lobby


Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.

Total Climate Ride Grant: $192,927


Engaging Citizens | With over 400 local chapters, CCL empowers everyday people to work together on climate change solutions. Together they are building support in Congress for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.

Climate Advocate Training and Education | CCL trains supporters how to make meaningful contributions every day that drive Climate Action forward, whether by building relationships with their members of Congress, local businesses, or media. CCL provides training and tools to help them maximize their skills.

Creating Political Will for Climate Action | Their consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. By building upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowering CCL supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, CCL works towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions.


  • Researching and drafting effective legislation that has bipartisan appeal like H.R. 7173,  a bill to drive down carbon pollution in the United States
  • Successfully lobbying for CCL’s carbon fee and dividend legislation to price carbon and emissions in Canada beginning in 2019
  • Raising climate awareness around the world by creating chapters, offering education, resources for lobbying, and channels to media

Find them here:

Beyond Fistula


Beyond Fistula is a non-profit charity that helps women and girls in Africa who have recently undergone surgical repair for fistulas. Donating to our organization helps these women get an education and training in order reintegrate into society.

Climate Ride Grant: $21,232


Scholarship Fund | A scholarship program that provides funds for young fistula survivors to return to primary or secondary school. Donations help these girls and women, who were previously outcasts, get an education and reconnect with others their age.

Vocational Program | Provides fistula survivors with vocational training in their choice of tailoring, hairdressing, catering, computer skills, farming, and business. These skills help them become financially stable or even financially independent in the future, hugely assisting them in reintegrating with their communities as respected and contributing citizens.

Production Program | Borne out of the tailoring vocational program, the production program provides fistula survivors the opportunity to learn a new skill, gain self-confidence, and earn a fair trade income by making and selling tote bags and other handmade items in an emotionally supported environment. Each woman is paid directly for her products, supporting a fair trade practice.

Permaculture Farm | We give women a farm skills seminar to teach sustainable farming techniques.  These techniques show how to use the land to fertilize itself (chop and drop) and how to prevent erosion of nutrients by using ground cover.  We teach improved planting techniques and skills to improve their crop yield.


  • Supporting dozens of women financially as they attended boarding school
  • Providing a fair trade market for handmade products by fistula survivors
  • Creating a permaculture farm where women can live and heal among other survivors while gaining valuable farming skills

Find them here: